Not the quiz: What does this look like to you?
Quiz: What did I take a photo of to create this image?
Whoever answers correctly first gets a great big sloppy shout out from me. (Except for anonymous1, a.k.a. A1)
Steven Taylor is a winner. Sloppy hugs to him!!!!
(Even though, frankly, I'm mad at him for getting it so quickly.)
The original shot below. I flipped it over, punched up the colors by 4,519% (or a lot) and put a bright star-like thingy in the corner. Oh, but that's not enough to cloak it from ol' cloven-hooved Mr. Omniscient over there in AL.
Anyway, congrats Steven. (You just ruin everything, don't you? As I was saying, congratulations.)
drive-thru carwash, from inside your car
It looks like a nebula to me at first glance.
Is it a picture of oil in a puddle?
I am thinking oil on the pavement too. But since Steven got that one....how about a reflection through glass?
justcurious--inside the fold here, we'll say that your answer was much more creative, if also less correct, than steven taylor's more boring, if also more accurate, answer.
here's what i want now:
1. to start taking photos from inside the drive-thru carwash.
2. never to take another "oilslick in a puddle shot" again.
reflection of...what?
no matter. st got it right.
bless you for playing, however.
I win! I win!
and so quickly, too. that's what i found so discouraging, err, I mean wonderful.
I hope you understand the level of fear and anxiety that title gives your former students... Bailey + the word "quiz" still incites many nightmares about multiple choice questions with 26 possible answers. And it's been at least 3 years now since I've taken a class from you...
first of all, have no fear now.
whatever i did to you at that time, you survived.
know also this. i checked out your profile (very quickly) and our music tastes are weirdly similar.
so i must have taught you something.
the important things.
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