Cookie decoration drippings on wax paper.
On our kitchen island.
In our kitchen. (Natch)
In our house.
Planet earth
Milky Way Galaxy
Known Universe
Reality (imaginary or otherwise)
Inside: Photos of eyeballs, bees, eyeballs, blue hands, and eyeballs. Also inside: Thoughts I want you to read and to live by and, when especially inspired, to set to opera. Also inside: my fight against vegetable tyranny. Just a little something I do so you don’t have to. You're welcome. Come on in and get your jibber jabber on!
No kitchen is an island.
Truer words have been spoken.
And I'm really looking, but I don't see any fish. Is this like a Rorschach?
Or typed.
Up with truthiness.
correct, anonymous.
or typed. truer words have never been spoken or typed than what you typed here.
thanks for the comment.
no really. thanks.
Anonymous stayed anonymous just to see how you would handle it.
Anonymous is also offended that blogspot's default for comments states "Anonymous said..." or "justcurious said..." which, at least in my case, is patently false. "justcurious" may have at one point actually said them, but I know I never said these things. I typed them. Just saying. And just speaking for myself. I mean typing.
i like what you say here, anonymous.
oh, and type you!
I can tell you how he handles anonymity... it unnerves him (in this, the mother of all anonymous forums). I would know. I was anonymously curious for a while.
Further, I rarely test my posts out loud. Mostly I just go for it. This allows for expressions that one isn't even capable of saying/producing, i.e. the wolf-whistle of the previous post. I'd like to be able to sit on a ledge somewhere and show my appreciation for passing fine forms. I cannot.
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