'Tis better to give than to receive. Don't you remember me saying that? That it's better to give than to receive? Remember?
My wife takes the occasional photo, true, but her photos are limited to work-related activities and chronicling events in our family--trips, kids performances and the like.
Like that matters.
To my knowledge, she's never pulled off the road to take a picture of a beautiful pile of rubble. So really does she need a camera?
It can go either way. I know.
So wasn't it surprising that her 4th grade class (or the parents of those kids, anyway) all chipped in to buy her the camera shown above?
If she gets a camera as a lovely gift, don't you think that, ahem, other even more deserving folks deserve one, too.
And wouldn't you know that December is a great time to give gifts?
Christmas is the holiday I happen to celebrate, but I'm not at all fussy. Orthodox Christians will be celebrating Christmas this year on January 7th. That works for me, too.
Hanukkah is quite the holiday, and I celebrate it (vicariously) along with all other light-loving people. I'm crazy for any people who win about 40% of all Nobel Prizes. Brains are good.
And you know that deep-down I'm all about Kwanzaa. This is a holiday that speaks to the real me, the wannabe me.
My pagan friends celebrate Mother Night, the beginning of Yule and a celebration of Thor. It's the beginning of the Pagan New Year, and who am I to poo-poo a good party? Plus, if we had had boys, I would have insisted they be named Thor, Thor II, and Thor III.
'Eid is an Islamic winter holiday. I don't know anything about it, but I saw it on a post office stamp. It's a terrific Holiday--I do know that--and a great occasion for gift giving.
I'm just saying.
P.S. The New Year is also a great time for gift-giving.
"Formerstudent," a very helpful respondent, offered y'all this suggestion. I'm going to paraphrase his/her point, but you can trust me I've conveyed the tone of it adequately.
S/he said, have them buy you "A NIKON D90 ALREADY!!....it is by the by the far the best camera for the money and takes excellent pictures. I bought one before my trip to Africa and could not be more pleased. So, for the love"......Have them buy you "A NIKON D90 ALREADY!"
Excellent advice, I'd say.
Not to be rude but...
...sorry. I might have overreacted a bit. And I know your feelings on all caps.
But seriously, it is by the by the far the best camera for the money and takes excellent pictures. I bought one before my trip to Africa and could not be more pleased.
Now there is some terrific use of irony in literature. You're the one dropping hints to your nationwide (international?) audience and your *wife* gets handed a camera. That sends me reeling, on your behalf. Just so you know.
I'm so moved by your plight. How do we make a contribution?
You're back, baby. All is forgiven, and you're once again my favorite anonymous.
To quote one of the best movies ever, "I'm looking for pound notes, loose change, bad checks, anything. Gimme some money!"
The problem with mixing gift-giving somewhat-religious holidays into this materialistic capitalism we live in is that around this time of year we start expecting something for nothing, possibly from a divine source. We forget that we must still work, even for divine gifts. Have you tried sacrificing a goat to Santa?
with all due respect, what is this blog if not an unselfish sacrifice for others?!
Sorry bro but I also am laughing at the irony. Maybe you should start hinting that you want a zucchini filled greenhouse for Christmas and you'll get the camera instead.
Nice present for your wife. Way better than lots of apples or homemade ornaments.
Are there two anonymites? Yes.
Do you love A2 best? Yes.
Is A2 is ready to buy you a new camera? Yes.
Is A1? No, but Merry Christmas.
All true. As is the following:
Is your leaving Mr. Bill Russell off the first-team all-time roster (11 titles, 5 MVPs) and referencing a "John Nash" instead of clear alternate guard front runner "Steve Nash" a betrayal of your basketball know how? Holla.
Wait a minute, now I'm not A2? Who's this A2?
I'm the "typed" one, and I thought it was established (by Michael, no less) that I was A2.
While I love the blog, and might contribute to the camera fund, I didn't write the "where do we contribute" entry. Or say it.
(And by saying--I mean typing--I might contribute to the fund I mean I might buy a box of the film your camera uses.)
I most certainly wasn't paying attention. My apologies. Never meant to usurp A2 rights and responsibilities.
Suck it up and use your names. Or cutsie nicknames. I'm getting a headache.
john nash was a big mistake. i grant you that. horrible.
but as for mr. bill russell, i've been this stupid argument with my father for some thirty years.
dude. he was good in lots of ways--and clearly he was one of the best ever--but the only thing he was better at than chamberlain was surrounding himself with a better cast.
okay, that and defense.
and i must say this, anonymous. you must be old. because no one my age (but me) knows (or cares) anything about russell. which is a terrible shame because he was, as you imply, remarkably good. (just watch youtube clips of the dude blocking shot after shot.) but still, this new generation, umm, they don't know and care about mr. bill russell.
box of film?!?!
i hope you mean a memory card! a 4g memory card.
and who is "michael"? no one calls me that here.
creep? yes.
weirdo? yes.
but michael? whatever.
and did i establish you as the real a2?
are you sure?
i'm not. that's for sure.
are you trying to hurt me?
I'm with timekeeper--how lazy do you have to be to go by the name "anonymous"? And on a blog about self-expression no less!
With all these A1's, A2's, and A3's, it's making me think of the movie Primer.
Or steak sauces.
Thanks A3 for the correction.
I was going to join in with a real name, but this got fun, but now it is getting to be a bit much.
I don't want to be confrontational--after all, I am almost as Swedish as your wife.
oh a2, this isn't confrontational. it's just good clean fun.
but then again, not being swedish perhaps i'm simply immune to signs of too muchness.
a2--anyone who isn't swedish is almost as swedish as my wife.
I was A2, but henceforth shall sign in as Riverman.
Hey man, good to have you on board, bro.
Well, as long as we're having a group hug, I should come clean and say that I was A3. Sorry, mb, I just got swept up in the fun, again. I'm now back to my fully-revealed, non-anonymous, justcurious self. I'll have you know, however, I have put out a Mike's New Camera Fund change box on our kitchen counter. Anyone who visits us is encouraged to contribute. It already rattles.
bless you, justcurious. a3 was a fun little character, and all is well now that you collecting change for such a good cause. i'm sure you'll be blessed in heaven if not on earth.
group hug accepted, and continued.
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