i don't care if the fish are biting!!! i'm not done with the shoot.
this is not the conversation i had with my daughter. in reality she was thrilled that the fish mistook her hand for a bucket of chum.
i thought it was weird. her. not the fish. they was just doin' their fish thang.
but the girl. a strange child.
or typed...
Those look like Gambusia affinis.
They won't eat your daughter unless she's a mosquito. Which she's clearly not.
What brave fish, to explore such hand-infested waters.
mosquitofish or tadpole?
which one?
brave fish, indeed.
your best (and most helpful) post yet anonymous.
so....who's the new anonymous? because the old anonymous could not have written such a thoughtful and caring post.
"To say" means, among other things -- "to state as an opinion or judgment; to express (a message, viewpoint, etc.), as through a literary or other artistic medium..." So given a literal reading, as I know Anonymous 2 intended to give it, the blog saying "Anonymous said..." is quite accurate.
Except -- maybe not that accurate, b/c it didn't say "Anonymous 2 said"... Because I, am Anonymous. I am the Anonymous One, aka Anonymous 1, aka Anonymous. So A2's literal posting was was not literally me. Wir mussen rechts machen. Restitucionnes.
Also, just a comment, I like the fish pic.
my head is spinning....
anonymous of the "typed" motif, to i apologize for being snarky on the other comment because i thought you were the other anonymous, the anonymous who responded to the both of us here. the one who is now calling "itself" anonymous1.
so...to the new anonymous, i say thank you for your contributions. they are intelligent and thoughtful and clever.
and as to the indignant anonymous1, all i can say is that you do not possess ownership of the "anonymous" designation despite how much german you "type."
or say.
whew. glad that's all straight now.
Do we trust anonymous people to be truthful about how many of them there actually are?
definitely typed...
I will accept "A2" as my moniker for the two following reasons: because A1 apparently has been a regular commenter before I joined in, and secondly because A2 sounds like "ACHOO" and I have a cold, so it's appropriate.
Now then, not to confuse matters futher, but I am somewhat concerned that A1 and I may be one in the same. I am also prone to mix my German and Spanish, and I have an over-developed propensity to try to make things right. And I also liked the photo of the fish.
I suppose that's not enough evidence to overturn the complete disagreement A1 and I have of the use of the word "said." So, unless I have a personality disorder on the magnitude of Jekyll and Hyde, I think it's safe to assume (at least for now) that we are two separate entities.
Peace to all.
peace to you, too.
but don't mix german and spanish.
they don't.
the germans and spanish, that is.
but good work on liking the fish photo.
i wish i did. i just liked the idea of it.
you know. the brave fish in the hand-infested waters.
i liked that a lot. very nice.
(yes, i'm a little jealous.)
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