Saturday, November 07, 2009
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Inside: Photos of eyeballs, bees, eyeballs, blue hands, and eyeballs. Also inside: Thoughts I want you to read and to live by and, when especially inspired, to set to opera. Also inside: my fight against vegetable tyranny. Just a little something I do so you don’t have to. You're welcome. Come on in and get your jibber jabber on!
Oh, wow. This is lovely and fabulous. It's like what would happen if Anubis started taking pictures of the feather instead of weighing it against hearts (and throwing the hearts to the crocodiles.)
I don't know this story of Anubis, the weigher of hearts. Fascinating. Time for me to hit the books.
Sorry, unexplained references.
According to the Egyptians, when you die, the Jackal-headed God Anubis judges you by weighing your heart against the feather of truth, and if your heart is lighter than a feather, you get to have an afterlife, otherwise, your soul to the Crocodile.
Hence the expressions "light hearted" and "heavy hearted." Nice.
So is it the more true one lives/is, the lighter one's soul is? That's weird because it would suggest that untruth has more being (weight) than truth. Except maybe this is a very pro-matter way of looking at reality. Maybe matter (weight) has less being than something else (the spiritual) like truth. In which case less is more. Or something like that.
Those Egyptians. I don't know. Seems like a severe society. But maybe you need severe if you're going to be building pyramids and living with asps and crocodiles.
Justcurious: Great. Why didn't you let me read your comment before I made a dang fool of myself in the post above??!!
Of course, ahem, what you said is what I was trying to say. I just didn't want to state it in such an obvious and straight-forward way. Or even in an understandable or intelligible way. What's the point in that? You and your clarity. So amateurish.
Whatchu talkin bout, jibber jabber.
Hard to tell, ain't it?
I think it's clear I wouldn't make a good poli sci prof.
JC-your wittiness is amazing.
I feel like I've lost control of the blog. Though it's all to the better. Carry on without me.
When we remember the guy who used to run the blog, though, can we refer to him as jibber jabber?
S-S... you're too kind. And too smart for your own good. You started all this.
jibber jabber here. checking in to see how thigns are going. quite nicely, it seems. checking out now. see ya!
JC-I can't help it, the world makes me think of dead Egyptians.
I haven't a clue what everyone else is talking about (but then again, I am quite tired tonight and am not entirely certain that I am typing in English at the moment), but I do know this: I be likin' this photo.
Or, if you prefer: Me encanta esta fotografia.
Or something like that.
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