Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Non-negative photos, pt. 2 of 10 (Yellow)

So it seems there is a difference of opinion about these.


These are NOT negative.

Or, are they?

Let a white boy know.


Andy D. said...

Now these are very cool!! And not negative in the least.

All I would like to know is -- did you first read awhile about spaghetti making? Or did you just "go for it?" I've never known you have to braid it in 7' strips and hang them from your kitchen ceiling? Seems a bit manic, but hey if you like spaghetti, I can understand it...

Wait. This was on the Alabama visit with ST also, wasn't it... It all makes sense now.

Andy D. said...

Question: can you make a "negative" image, meaning a photographically negative image, a positive photo like you're doing here?

My answer: not a chance.

Don't even try.

Give up, don't you even start to do it.

No one possibly ever could.

Mike Bailey said...

happy negatives, eh?



You're good.

Steven Taylor said...

I'm sorry (and apologies to Andy D.) but people being eaten by evil spaghetti monsters from space is hardly not negative.

Indeed, it is pretty horrifying.

Andy D. said...

Actually I too was horrified, at first, by the opposite thought - I was wondering what the dude was doing to the spaghetti??

But then I realized that's just a camera lens, and reverted to being pleasantly pleased by the non-negativity and relative innocence of it.

Mike Bailey said...

Stephen: andy makes you look like the epitome of sane and healthy.

Susan Hasbrouck said...

First the hidden meaning of towers, now subverted camera lenses... I feel like I'm hanging out in the jr. high cafeteria. That could be construed as negative but I'm going to choose to focus on how good those tater tots were.

Mike Bailey said...

justcurious: notice how *I* didn't dignify andy's comment with a comment of my own, except obliquely.

Susan Hasbrouck said...

Oh absolutely, Mike Bailey Man about Rome, I can tell you're the innocent in this relationship and that Andy D. just goes on and on like this with no encouragement from you.

Mike Bailey said...

Justcurious: correctamundo.

Andy D. said...


Mike Bailey said...

Andy D: dude, i'm nothing if not discouraging of all tomfoolery (aka andy-be-a-foolery.)