Friday, August 07, 2009

Wormhole of Death, or, Safe Again

Technoprairie--I wasn't sure whether you were offering one title or two, but decided to combine them. I like how opposite they are.

Several of y'all have told me before (off the blog) that you enjoy knowing what I do to create the image. My dirty confession: I actually don't like sharing this information on the blog because I think it unnecessarily colors (and prejudices) your own interpretation of the photo. That interpretation should at first be unmediated and only then informed with external commentary. You should be entitled to see a photo as it is without considering, say, its toiletness--unless the photo itself, undirected by a narrative or commentary, compels your mind in that direction.

This photo? I layered four photos to create this image. Two of balloons. One of pancakes. One of bubbles. I added the "stars" with my photo software.

So there you have it.


Andy D. said...

Title: Knot Needed

Caption: "Without this little knot, my small reservoir of air would rapidly exhaust itself into the infinite void of space.... Then I would fly around the room, and probably land in those pancakes..."

Mike Bailey said...

Yo, birthday boy, first of all, happy 41st, my friend.

I must say that you've set the bar high here both with the title and the caption. Well played, my friend.

Susan Hasbrouck said...

First, Carnac will read your mind. Wait, I'm having difficulty... you must stop it from whirling like that. Okay. I'm seeing... Space Balloon? Huh. :)

Actually, I'm seeing faces. Anyone else? At the base of the nearly vertical black line, just to the right. Then the whole composition is kind of a wonderfully wonky take on the Rubin vase illusion, with the face on the right resembling say, the New Yorker's version of Hitchcock. Knot so much?

Technoprairie said...

Title: "Wormhole of Death" or "Safe Again"

Caption: Having successfully tied the wormhole of Death into a knot and having once again saving the universe as we know it, the starship Enterprise achieves warp speed and goes on to its next assignment.

Steven Taylor said...

Title: "Knot Evil"