Sunday, August 23, 2009

Look Dad: No hands OR feet!!

My dear Stumpy, how you've earned your nickname.


Technoprairie said...

That's pretty creepy.

How many pics did you have to take to get that one?

Mike Bailey said...

I took four pics. It's a hard shot to control with a slow moving shutter, so there was a lot of chance involved. I plan to return to the trampoline theme. One shot was blurry. One showed only her legs kicking out (spread), with the rest of her body above the frame of the shot. I didn't want to go with that. And one shot (by accident) showed all of her but her head, and it looked too much like a hanging--too creepy by far for me. So...I kind of went with the least creepy. I thought of this as more optical illusion-y than creepy.

And I'm not anti-creepy.

Mike Bailey said...

Oh, and I didn't request that she do anything in particular. I was just trying to get a trampoline shot.

Andy D. said...

Technical question: Do you ever run a digital video clip, then just "lift" out a single frame that makes a good still photo by itself? I think that would be legitimate, especially if you're going to then process it.

Mike Bailey said...

I don't know what legitimate means, exactly, but I think you mean "arty." I haven't done that, but I'd be willing to do so.