Monday, August 03, 2009

Cool guy

Why I can't be cool like this guy? I'm not a cool guy. I'm what they officially call "uncool." I'm as cool as a chimp in a china shop.


Elisheba said...

Oh, you can definitely be cooler than this guy, he has rotten facial hair.

Technoprairie said...

First you need some cool shades like he has. Then you need a cool sneer and you're all set.

timekeeper said...

Then you need to find much cooler metaphors.

Mike Bailey said...

S-S: Really? That's not a good look? Rotten in fact? Good to know.

Oh, Technoprairie, you're too kind. I can do the sneer with cool shades but I still wouldn't have it. Thanks, though.

Timekeeper. Good eye. All fixed.