Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summertime is bee time.

It's a shame how long it took for these photos to be posted. The ball was dropped. Mistakes were made. Whatever happened happened. It's behind us now. Let's move on.


Anonymous said...

The bee needs a 3D animated film franchise. He looks to be in a state of both contentment and longing. Half of their pre-production work is done for them. Great shot.

Mike Bailey said...

A most complex entry that picked lots into four short sentences. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Practice makes perfect.

Andy D. said...

Going back to what you said a couple posts ago, MB, by golly there's always juice in the batteries when the bees are flying, isn't there??!!


timekeeper, mahn said...

As your number one Bahamian fan, I am wondering if you followed the same bee to different flowers or if those are 3 different bees?

Mike Bailey said...

Anonymous. State of both contentment and longing. I like that. Very much.

So...what do you practice most often?

Timekeeper. That's three bees, my friend. Or at least two. One could have flown over from one side of the botanical gardens to other. But I doubt it.

Mike Bailey said...

I take it back. The first and third bees are the same, I think.

Anonymous said...

I meant running my mouth. The more I can pack into my sentences, the longer I can enjoy listening to the sound of my own voice without boring myself. Haha.