I love this photo. I'd love to be absorbed into this image.
I'll be out of pocket for a few days so hold on to you pants if I don't post your comments immediately. No, I'm not fleeing the law. On drug charges. There are no drug chargers. Why are you being so rude?
I will be taking photos, however. From jail. Because of the drug charges.
Wait, that's not right. Again with the rudeness. No, I'll be taking photos of pretty little flowers.
Are you hiking the Appalachian Trail?
Did the Honduran military exile you to Costa Rica?
Did the Guardian Council declare you a loser?
Are you trying to get a syllabus written to match my output?
We demand information!
DO you need help setting up a paypal donation system so that your devoted readers can donate money to bail you out of jail? You know, because of the drugs. Do you need help taking the donated money and buying yourself a new camera with it instead thus getting charged with fraud as well?
Nice. Love the tension in that slip of a space between the balloon and the bottom of the glass.
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