Sometimes you stumble upon a box of Extenze near a creek. It happens. I was driving the stretch road from the Mountain Campus, where my wife works, back to main campus when I pulled the car over because I wanted to take a picture of the stream pictured below. I pulled into the grass and walked down on some concrete from the bridge to the water. And there on the ground was this box.
That's how things work in life. Sometimes you stumble upon a box of Extenze near a creek.
And I'm glad because the photo of the creek blows.
"Stretch of road"? Come on, you can do better than that.
"How I longed for this spot. Longer with each thought, actually. My growing fears had stretched my - being - for too long. The larger part of me said 'fear not!' But my now elongated smaller voice remained silent... I know not who left this discarded trash on the sacred bend in the river, but to them I can only say, 'Keep dreaming the big dreams - and never be satisfied with being who others tell you you were born to be.'"
This post is directed not toward the photo, but toward the Quiz for today referencing the "high IQ idiots." This is just a funny old story I think... Maybe 20 years ago, Letterman had on his show "the woman with the world's highest measured IQ." And it was something on the upper bounds of what a super impossible IQ would be -- I don't remember if it was 184, or 214, or whatever... But it was outrageously high relative to the IQ scale. And as the interview went on, Letterman kept asking her very normal, standard types of questions to simply find out more about her, and she persisted to be the most unreasonable, noncommunicative, unfunny person of all time. She would not answer a direct question, even the easiest ones, and was just really a royal pain in the butt of a guest. And finally, after trying very hard (by Dave standards) to be polite to her for several minutes, Dave finally said, "You know, I think I'm smarter than you are."
So that's always what I think of when I think of "too high IQ" stuff...
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