I quote verbatim from the first comment of the last post. Ms. Shinigami-Sidh says,
"This is a sincere request, made with hope and love and flattery:
Sir, you are so talented at taking beautiful pictures of death, and gravestones, and dead pigs, and dead pigs' eyes, and things related to death, and more death; I always look forward to seeing your grim photos, knowing that they will inspire many valuable meditations on life, death, art, and beauty. Why do you squander your abilities on cheery cheer and pretty flowers? Please return to the grimness and the death. If this is impossible completely, could there perhaps be juxtaposition between the cheer and the death?"
Reader, do you know how long I've been waiting for a comment of such discernment and insight to counter the vicious attacks of Mr. "Look at me, the weirdo who uses his own name"?
A long time. And I thought with "Taylor" forcing me to squander my talents on primary colors and giggles, I'd never be able to post this, easily one of the best photos I've ever taken/made/created. Again, it's two photos merged. Both photos are on the blog.
Your assignment if you so choose to take it: Find the two originals. You'll find one easily enough, but the other may be difficult.
I love this photo.
Love it. I'm not kidding. No phony persona or voice here. It really is about the best thing I've ever done. When I first made it, I paused, reflected, and thought: "Finally. I've created something. At last."
I hope you like it.
Thank you, Ms. S-S for giving me the courage to post it.
It is beautiful.
I am much happier now.
Thank you.
Death is the mother of beauty.
That's all I'm sayin'.
Death? You want death?
I got your death right here (and here and here).
See, other people besides no caps boy can do death.
(But if you need to clear your palette from all the deathy death, here are some cute, fuzzy otters!)
Was the non-skull photo cropped when it originally appeared?
S-S: Thank you.
Riverman: You're sayin' a lot.
Steven Taylor: Nice photos. You're going to see some similar shots from me in due time, but honestly those turned out a little better than mine.
justcurious: i think I cropped the photo, but honestly I can't remember. i looked at the original, and i think what I used is just a portion of it. But a substantial picture.
New camera, mb, new camera.
And the main shot on this post, the more I look at it, make me think of a demon-possessed LSD trip (or, at least, what I think one might be like).
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