This is a phrase I've been using a lot lately.
Life is too short not to do the important things we want to do. And it's too long to be stuck doing meaningless things that make us miserable.
So life is too short and long.
Join me and let's make this a national catchphrase.
We can do it. Life is too short and too long not to do so.
Okay, that was an abuse of the phrase.
I'm sorry.
UPDATE: Mr. Freak-o "I Use My Real Name" wrote this about this post, and I thought it was important enough to bring it up front.
"Everything is death.
(Unofficial motto of this blog--because life is too short and too long not to dwell on death)."
To which I say, unfair!! Here's how I'll prove it. My next three posts, whenever they may come, will have a cheery photo. That's a promise, and I'm definitely a promise "maker."
Now...I need to go out and find something cheery.
But where?!
I was on your blog when you posted this. It wasn't there and then it was. It was like magic. Genius photo and commentary just appear on the screen. Life is too short and too long not to be enjoying this blog. Wait...did I use that right?
Not sure what the photo has to do with anything. Fill me in?
Oh, mo definitely!!
Yes, you used it perfectly.
In fact, it will never be used as well again. Unless others say the same thing about the blog.
The photo doesn't make sense to you?
Okay, erase everything I said above.
Dude, it's death. Maybe good, maybe not. It's ambiguous.
A guy with a lit up triangular thingy is death? Dude, work on your photgraphic metaphor. Where's the sickle? Where's the hood?
My other readers will know it instantly.
They don't need the hollywood cliche to guide them.
I'm cutting-edge, baby.
In fact, that "triangle thingy" was something that was bequeathed to me.
Everything is death.
(Unofficial motto of this blog--because life is too short and too long not to dwell on death).
Although what a dude with a glowing purse has to do with death is beyond me...
Don't forget the wisdom of Spock (or was it McCoy) - "how we react to death is just as important as how we react to life" or something like that.
"a glowing purse." Okay, I laughed at that one. nice. got to give it up to you on that one.
Spock is great. Fewer characters in tv history are better.
But how we react to death is how we react to life. Or I should say, they are two sides of the same coin.
Booyah Spock
Well they're certainly connected. Agreed. also seems that much of life is simply routine and habit, and this applies nearly as much to he who cowers in fear from death and the martyr who can't wait to give up his life for the cause. But I'm speaking abstractly. A real discussion would require more than what I can give right now.
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