Not a composite picture. In NOLA I saw a pane of glass behind which there was another glass, that one shattered. I attempted to capture a reflection of a person intersecting with the epicenter of shattered glass. Of the five pictures I took, this was the best I got. The poor dude looked my way, just as I hoped he would, but I'm sure all he saw was a weird guy pointing a camera at a building from four inches away. Below is a picture, undoctered, in which I didn't get the timing down quite right.
You all would be proud of me for how I resisted asking strangers to pose for the photo.
Of course, I would have done so had I thought they wouldn't have made it look phony.
Strangers! They just don't model properly. Where's my Harvey when I need him?
And I do need him.
Excellent photo! On every level -- subject, texture, composition, color. Seriously a great photo.
We can only be grateful that man happened along, so you didn't force your child to pose it repeatedly.
My child wasn't there, and why would it be bad to pose her? Huh? Huh?
Speaking of Harvey, here's a fun little anecdote.
I was perusing a bulletin board located in the narthex of the parish in which i'm doing adult education this semester in central NJ. Anywho, as I was casually wasting time, I came across harvey's name posted on our bulletin board. Apparently he was ordained a few weeks ago with one of our parishioners who happened to be a postulate in the same diocese as the Harvmeister.
Kind of ironic, huh? Never know when old professors/friends are going to pop up in your life.
(I just realized this story was far more interesting in my mind than written. Oh well.)
Really, it was a small miracle that you didn't get beat up in NOLA during that day you didn't have me to watch your back.
Although, there was that moment with Sean the Advocate...
BTW, when you mentioned Harvey, I thought it was a reference to Jimmy Stewart's invisible rabbit.
jonbon--no need for apologies. all hh stories are inherently fascinating.
st--never speak of harvey that way again.
never. i will always defend his honor!
(pst...that was pretty funny what you said about harvey!)
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