Night night.
Inside: Photos of eyeballs, bees, eyeballs, blue hands, and eyeballs. Also inside: Thoughts I want you to read and to live by and, when especially inspired, to set to opera. Also inside: my fight against vegetable tyranny. Just a little something I do so you don’t have to. You're welcome. Come on in and get your jibber jabber on!
For those of us who never really liked bugs, I would call this "Nightmare". It gives me the shivers just looking at it.
Woah. Dude. (said with a Keaneu Reeves accent)
So, has the blog gone to sleep?
Hardcore readers are jonesin' for their deathfix.
(nice merger, btw, one that I did not see the first time I looked at the shot).
Classes just started, and I'm taking care of scheduling issues and syllabi stuff and what have you.
Also, I posted a couple of things on my other blog on "ranking stuff."
I'll start posting some more weird stuff soon, though.
Sleep is sometimes a euphemism for death. Dragonflies kill annoying bugs. I'm gettin' my deathgroove on here.
mb: I hope that classes have gotten off smoothly.
I keep forgetting about the other site. I need to surf back over soon.
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