Free and determined.
Partial and Complete.
Good and Evil.
Finite and infinite.
Eternal and bounded.
Physical and Spiritual.
Noble and ignoble.
Creator and Parasite.
Here's Jonbon's nice (Princetonian) response:
In theological terms:
"simul iustus et peccator"--justified and yet sinner
divine and human
bread and flesh
wine and blood
ineffable and knowable
fallen and redeemed
fully new and terminally old
inflated (by hope) and deflated (by self-knowledge)
that's my boy.
Your text sounds like the trailer for a good sci fi Charlton Heston movie.
In theological terms:
"simul iustus et peccator"--justified and yet sinner
divine and human
bread and flesh
wine and blood
ineffable and knowable
fallen and redeemed
fully new and terminally old
inflated (by hope) and deflated (by self-knowledge)
Yo, Mikey. Thanks for the shout out on the blog.
yeah, you know 'dat sh**.
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