Friday, May 21, 2010


When the Levee Breaks

This version brought to you here by Led Zeppelin, those famous dabblers in the black arts. (Now ain't they?)

When the Levee Breaks

If it keeps on raining levee's going to break
If it keeps on raining levee's going to break
When the levee breaks have no place to stay

Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan
Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan
Got what it takes to make a Mountain Man leave his home

Oh, well; oh, well; oh, well.

Don't it make you feel bad?
When you're trying to find your way home you don't know which way to go?
When you're going down south and there's no work to do
And you're going on to Chicago

Crying won't help you, praying won't do you no good
Crying won't help you, praying won't do you no good
When the levee breaks, mama, you got to go

All last night sat on the levee and moaned
All last night sat on the levee and moaned
Thinking about my baby and my happy home

Going - going to Chicago
Going to Chicago
Sorry, but I can't take you

Going down - going down, now
Going down - going down, now
Going down
Going down
Going down
Going down

Going down - going down, now
Going down - going down, now
Going down - going down, now
Going down
Going dow-, dow-, dow-, dow-, down, now


Andy D. said...

LOVE these photos, very nice. Also nice to see a beanless shot of Chicago.

Of course I love that song! What are you talking about!? I do love that song, one of the greats. Notwithstanding all the piss-taking I do with Zep, I love them, and that song is one of the greats.

The fact you titled that photo after their album apparently subconsciously is the troubling bit...

I can actually see a zoso in the top photo -- was that your intent?

Oh I know what it means to be alone...

Andy D. said...

"Wew see, Bon-sey, what 'e does is, play wif fou' sticks, right? Not two, but, fou'. An' what 'e gets outtav 'is drum kit is, like, it sounds like a levee breakin'. Jus that raw, I don' know, raw raccous powah.

An' that's 'ow we came up wif the title of that song: Fou' Sticks.

'Levee Breaks,' 'owevah, was an old blues standard. Which I then reco'ded at me haunted house, 'Headly Grange,' as you wew know..."

Mike Bailey said...

You can see a ZoSo in the top photo? Really? My understanding is the truly accursed see Zoso when it ain't there.

You accursed, boy, cuz there ain't no ZoSo there. Sorry, dude.

Mike Bailey said...

Jimmy---You agree, right, that whut our fans don't understand is that ol' Bonsey aimed for a particular sound, now, didn't he? Specifically the sound of his mates playing their gigs INSIDE his bloody drumset while he knocked their heads silly with his enormous sticks--the biggest sticks in rock n' roll. Though he thoroughly denied it was compensatory in any way. We know better, now, though don't we?

Andy D. said...

"Wew, they don't know WHOSE vomit. I mean, you can't DUST fo' vomit??..."

Andy D. said...

Well now that I see your version of the zoso, I can honestly say that's the goofiest thing ever! : )


Mike Bailey said...

My version? Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking about.