Monday, January 25, 2010

Self-portrait in Whitey's sunglasses

Steven Taylor owns some cool sunglasses. Cool, at least, for a white boy. Which he is.



Susan Hasbrouck said...

For a man of color, you sure have a lot of whitey friends.

Mike Bailey said...

What the....? I have a white father-in-law. True. Guilty as charged. And Whitey McWhite Steven Taylor is white. But other than that, I've got an enormously diverse collection of friends.

Elisheba said...

I think we should all love each other for whatever racial stereotype we happen to be.

Steven Taylor said...

and a serious case of sunglasses envy

Mike Bailey said...

S-S: love it. Great line.

S-T: Ok. On that I do plead guilty.

Technoprairie said...

Who's ancestors are further north? Yours or ST's? Wouldn't that solve the "who's whiter" question? I mean, wouldn't the Swedes be more white than say the Italians?

Steven Taylor said...

We're both pretty Anglo-y, I should think.

However, I have lived further south than has he (take that!)

Also, I actually speak a foreign language while he just puts on an accent (but that may just make him more American than me, rather than whiter).