Friday, April 10, 2009

Statue and St. Louis Cathedral


Elisheba said...

Oh, such joy. MB is posting again, and there are flying horses entering his photos!

I like this.

Andy D. said...

Yes, I too feel refreshed! So very refreshed. "Thank heavens, more photos of New Orleans!"

Look, this is New Orleans, not St. Louis. We all know it.

Also -- a more legitimate question -- while you were in New Orleans, did the sky/clouds always look like The Moment Before The End Of The World the whole time? Or are you doctoring these all up somehow to look more dramatic, kind of like you did on that tobacco shop deal?


timekeeper said...

Man, that horse and rider are spooking me out. And I have to agree with Anonymous 5, above me, the clouds are mighty anxiety inducing. Just the way you like them.

timekeeper said...

Sorry, I'm coming back to this photo. This may be my favorite photo ever. What did you do to it? It is awesome! What music would you put to this?