Saturday, February 14, 2009

Flowers for Julianne, my wife, on Valentine's Day

The rumors are wrong. She does too exist, and here she is.

Here, Juli, my love, are some flowers posted in honor of you, my dear and blessedly cheery wife.


jonbon said...

What a sweet sentiment. You're a romantic deep down within, big cat.

Nice shots too. I don't know how you get such great close-ups without reducing the quality of the photo.

Mike Bailey said...

deep down. at the surface. everywhere.

it's all about love for me, baby. you know that already, little cat--i mean, in a very appropriate big cat/little cat kind of way, of course. okay, not "very appropriate" way, but a "more-or-less appropriate" kind of way.

you get the idea. thanks for the nice comp

Steven Taylor said...

Impressive. One would have thought that the blog would've melted with that much cheeriness in one post.

(But in the spirit of post, you know I kid because I love.)

Steven Taylor said...

Perhaps I was right: all those purty flowers, and now no death or disrepair for five whole days.

I think you broke the internet.

Mike Bailey said...

Sigh.....SOOOOO busy. Sorry.

Steven Taylor said...

I figured, actually ('tis that time of the semester, said the stack of exam to my left).

And I don't want to add to your stress--just know that I come by regularly for my fix o' mb-ness.

Elisheba said...

I demand that the people without secrets reveal their identities.

Mike Bailey said...

s-s: right!

on the other hand, the irony is that that's their big secret. or should be. my initial reaction to that--admittedly, an uncharitable one-is disbelief. then my next thought is, well, incredulity. then my third belief is skepticism. then my fourth belief is doubt. then my fifth belief is....wait...wait....sorrow. because i think, dude, you don't feel the need to conceal/reveal to just a select few/confess anything at all?!

what IS that life of perfect virtue like? hmmmm.... could be that these people are SO shameless they don't know what should be kept only to themseles and a select few others.

no, i suppose i shouldn't begrudge those folks who are leading spotless lives and to whom nothing really shameful has happened by others as well. they're blessed, and they shouldn't be mocked.

except here. and this doesn't count.

because i say so.


hey, i'm hoping to get out from my crushing load and post things again. i've been too busy and tired.

Elisheba said...

Hey, no worries. We miss you in cyberspace but understand your obligations to those pesky adult responsibilities.

But if you manage to begin living a virtuous life without secrets it will be absolutely your responsibility to tell the world (or everyone who reads your blog, which is the most important part of the world) how you managed it.