Monday, February 09, 2009

computer magic

Jonbon--the title is for you, natch.

The original photo (below) was a closeup of a statue that I snapped in NOLA. I was drawn to the statue because (you guessed it) the late afternoon sun hit this dude's face, creating a nice bit of natural contrast.

Shadows are my catnip equivalent.

(Did I just say that out loud?)

The statue was in the flea market area, but for some reason this little courtyard where I met Mr. Statue was eerily empty. Something about the statue made the place even lonelier. Especially when it turned its head toward me and started talking.

Wait, sorry, that was Sean the Advocate (See several posts below).

But the lonely part is accurate. I don't know whether I captured that feeling with this photo, though I suspect I did not.

Okay, what I started to say before you interrupted me was that I wanted to take the hardness out of the image and make it more painterly. I converted it to its negative image and sharply clarified it. The main thing this did was bring the background into the foreground, rendering the image more two-dimensional--i.e. more painterly. Or, if not more painterly, at least more like a charcoal drawing.


jonbon said...

Haha! As soon as the web page loaded, and your blog appeared on my screen, my eyes were sucked right in to the words "Computer Magic" (minus the caps, of course).

In any event, my exact response was "Yes! I love that sh**!"--while lifting my right hand in the air and casting it toward the screen in a 'pump-fist' like manner. In short, I was mildly excited. And by mildly, I mean ecstatic. And by that, I mean quite aroused.

What's more is that I did all this before even seeing that you dedicated the title to little ol' me.

You speak straight to my heart, big cat.

Steven Taylor said...

Ya know, in reading that entry from "jonbon" and it sounds very much like something mb would write.

Is it possible the mb actually write all the comments on this blog (except, say, mine and timekeepers)?


Elisheba said...

The thought of being a figment of mb's imagination is sending me into a violent existential crisis.

Btw, I like the statue's facial hair.

Mike Bailey said...

steve taylor--

how DARE you question the integrity of my mentor and hero and spiritual guru, the great mb? you know who you are?? Nobody!! That's who. you're not fit to tie his shoes, though he would want you to.

Leave my dude alone, fool



Mike Bailey said...


no no. it's beautiful in here. dreamy. ahh...pretty colors. shiney objects. happy people in white coats who bring me happy medicine and snug jackets that make me hug myself. i like it here.

don't fear being a figment of my imagination. it's happy happy happy in here, s-s.

come and stay and play a while.