We're psychologically subterranean beings, and that's that. We're hidden, and that's what makes us interesting. Worth thinking about. Worth reading book after book about. Worth looking at a thousand paintings of persons. It's why we love faces. We want to know people, but we can't do it with certainty. So we study outward clues to glimpse below the surface.
Like many people, I once flattered myself that at least I'm not hidden from myself. I'm a keen observer of others, and I'm keenly aware of my inner life. Or so I once thought. Most everyone thinks that they understand themselves, that they enjoy perfect self-awareness.
To which I say, using the PG version language, that's...baloney.
Ironically, in some respects the parts we want most desperately to keep hidden from others are utterly transparent to others. Think about how we try to hide or minimize our physical imperfections, and yet how poorly we succeed in our task to fool others. It's not that different about our personalities and desires. And that's a tough realization to accept.
Though I dare not do it, my guess is that virtually all my blustery psychoanalyzing of others in this blog is little more than unconscious self-confession. I'm not going to reread any of my posts to affirm or deny this judgment, but i bet it's probably the case.
I show photos of parts because that's all I know. Of others. And of myself.
I've only just begun to discover my own capacity for self-deception.
be sure to keep me updated on this one, bro. And thanks for visiting the blog!
First of all, this picture is just fantastic! Secondly, I have been thinking about what you said in this post for over a week now. I've been mulling over it, tossing and turning, trying to figure out whether or not I agree. On the one hand, what you say makes perfect sense while on the other I would argue that maybe the point of a photograph is not meant to capture a life but a moment. And I think that is why we love faces so much because although so many different parts can capture a moment, there is no other part of the body that shows the emotion of a moment better than a face. I guess I'm torn! Anyway, that is my two cents :)
kb photography---
first of all, let me tell my 80,000 loyal fan base that your web site is worth checking out. because your photography is...well, i have a loooooong way to go to ever approach what you can do. and i never will, frankly, because getting where you are would take lots of hard work and time that i don't have right now.
but....i agree with what you say about "moments." nicely put.
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