Thursday, September 11, 2008

afternoon sun


Kim said...

The pig suggests political art, but the stance is ambiguous. Don’t know if it’s screaming (mumbling?) “Meat is murder,” or “Yummy! In your face PETA!” Is the waterfall art for art’s sake or some conceptualism earth art piece? I think they're eye-catching and have a nice beat you can dance to. So that’s what I think of my ability to judge what’s art. I do like the afternoon sun and Times Square photos, really – no irony, no snarkiness. Although their difference is night and day (hah), they both have that hazy harshness that disorients, evokes wistfulness and languor.

So I had been sporadically wondering to myself why I was smarting from the fact that you called me “intimidating” in your response to my comment during the sad song posts. Really? How can anyone you’ve known since the second grade be intimidating? How can any post with mention of Tears for Fears be intimidating? Anyway, that was my discouraged shrug to your reply to my comment. And then… I was ostentatiously imbibing my cruelty free coffee while reading an elitist liberal propaganda rag, listening to NPR and day dreaming about San Francisco and Rachel Maddow in my carbon-neutral home last Sunday, and ran across this quote from columnist Judith Warner in reference to people’s reaction to a certain political figure: “And, I think, they find her acceptably “real,” because [she]’s not intimidating and makes it clear she's subordinate to a great man. That’s the worst thing a woman can be in this world, isn’t it? Intimidating… It’s the kiss of death, personally and politically.”

Not acceptably real. The worst thing in this world. Kiss of death personally and politically. Ouch. No wonder I was smarting. Okay, so I don’t wear lipstick and I can’t field dress a community organizer .. errh moose, but intimidating?

You do know that most of what I say to you (or anyone else for that matter) is said with tongue firmly placed in cheek – and the humor is mocking me more than anyone else, right?

Technoprairie said...

Could be alternately titled "Man, how many mojitos did I have last night?"

Mike Bailey said...

Eye-catching with a nice beat to dance to is plenty good enough for me.

I like that you sense the connection between the two very different paintings. I love how you describe them, and that certainly is my response to them as well.

And as for all the rest, the default position i've developed slowly but inexorably over the years is to assume that if someone takes issue with something i've done, their complaint is usually warranted. so even though i need to actually review what i said in that post (and in so doing will actully lose this post and need to start over) that gave (self-mocking) offence, i can assume that i was out-of-bounds or, at the least, just ridiculous. that covers a good two-thirds of what i say and do.

but as for me implicitly labeling you with the kiss of death and the worst thing in the world, well, when i start thinking that these categories attach to you, i'll let you know diectly. i promise.

and don't think i've forgotten about my letter to you. but i can't see getting a nice chunk of time until this monday.

hey, thanks for the note. i love it when you post responses on the blog, intimidating or otherwise.

Mike Bailey said...


like it. very nice.