Thursday, September 25, 2008



Susan Hasbrouck said...

THAT'S what you've been doing since you posted last!? I am very impressed. How do your neighbors feel about that being in your yard?

Mike Bailey said...

everyone has to have a hobby, and mine is chisling.

marmaladeinstead said...

The "best way to go" poll is much, much easier than the "worst way to go." Even indecisive me could easily pick one, which is something I was unable to accomplish in the previous "worst way" poll.

Steven Taylor said...

I like Stone Mountain in general (no pun intended), but must confess to unease at giant monuments to CSA soldiers.

Nice angle, btw.

Mike Bailey said...

mmst--well, i'm here to please.

s.t.--i'm kinda with you on the unease, but despite my general pro-environmental leanings i have an inexcplicable soft spot for destroying mountains for the sake of carving giant statues.

so for the love of humanity, people, complete the crazy horse memorial!!!