title taken from a line in "little gidding" by t.s. eliot.
so what is the one word that best describes the mood of this photo?
Inside: Photos of eyeballs, bees, eyeballs, blue hands, and eyeballs. Also inside: Thoughts I want you to read and to live by and, when especially inspired, to set to opera. Also inside: my fight against vegetable tyranny. Just a little something I do so you don’t have to. You're welcome. Come on in and get your jibber jabber on!
Umm... unremembered?
astonishingly, that is the correct answer.
i stand here speechless. (okay, i'm sitting. and writing. but you get the point.)
still, i will entertain other 2nd place possibilities.
Looking at it for a bit I get several different words:
Of course, as always, the word selected changes the way one views the photo.
(And I think I know which of the above would be your favorite.)
hey st--
i like all those word choices. in fact, picking one would be tough. true, you know me very well so i won't give you the satisfaction of saying the one you think i'd choose. so i'm going to say "haunted."
And I would note that my artistic limitations are underscored by the fact that I tend to want to call almost all black and white photos, especially of trees and such, "haunted."
To add to that last comment: perhaps it is a reflection of the haunted nature of my soul, or perhaps it just means that I need a thesaurus.
An example of the predilection: click.
I would like to strike "serene" from st's list. It's okay--we're friends. I get "cold" when I look at it. Or is it because I am cold right now?
I'm pretty sure the right answer would have something to do with eyeballs. But I'm not sure what.
How about "cold eyeballs of death"?
"Haunted chilly eyeballs"?
Since it seems that the readers of this blog have overthrown your rigid un-American restriction of one word titles, I submit my three:
Snow's a-coming
Cold before the dawn
Bleakness of a zucchini-less existence
in a word... skeletal allee
staylory: i likes the bench.
justcurious--you're 2 smart. disturbingly so.
mb: gracias.
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