just a little wink to any stephen colbert and/or john ashcroft fans out there.
actually i was pretty thrilled to see this bald eagle outside of savannah, ga, a week or so ago. maybe that's because i live in one of the "pro-america" states. i love america, and i love america's official bird. (though i oppose the endangered species act that saved it from extinction because i love american parking lots even more than i love american birds, eagles or otherwise. a bird provides only one meal. a parking lot allows me to park at a publix, which provides for many many meals). birds = good. parking lots = even better. therefore parking lots = more american.
i rest my case. i think we've established i'm decidedly pro-american. in fact, here's my pro-america influence. i've lived in four different states since i cast my first vote in 1984: missouri; texas; michigan; georgia.
i rest my case. i think we've established i'm decidedly pro-american. in fact, here's my pro-america influence. i've lived in four different states since i cast my first vote in 1984: missouri; texas; michigan; georgia.
i have yet to live in a state that did not vote pro-america at the presidential level when i was living there.
where i go, there goes america.
you're welcome.
i'm also tempted to say that where i go, there goes god. but that would just be wrong. but i will say this. at the church i formerly attended, one of the pastors made a "non-political" sermon in which he reassured us he wouldn't tell us how to vote, but at one point in the sermon he started yelling (or thumping, or whatever it's called) "VOTE GOD!! VOTE GOD!! VOTE GOD!!"
and how does one vote god, you may be asking. (though i hope you're not really asking yourself that because that reveals that you're pretty much lost at many many levels. you probably hate both america and god.) one votes god, according to that pastor (correctly, i must say), by voting america. and we all know which party is pro-america. (hint: not the pro-terrorist party.)
so basically if you want to be with the people who vote god, you shoud be sure to live where i live.
i'm just saying.
Well, my friend, all I can say is that my part of the country is even more pro-America than yours, so there!
That was a very hateful comment, my friend. just count yourself lucky. because let's face it, living in one of those pro-literacy states is way overrated. even the commies can read. not every state, however, is pro-america. Can you imagine how pro-america it would be if i were to live there!
According to Saturday Night Live "Palin," it's up to my state to decide whether we want to be pro-America or not. How about that? My vote is actually going to count this year instead of being lost in the red sea. ha-ha.
Whoa. I am so jealous. What a great shot. So much better than the one I took at the zoo of the eagle with an air conditioning unit in the background.
don't worry, jc, you're going red.
no doubt in my mind.
bald eagles and ac's don't go together? thy seem like a natural pairing to me.
Can you imagine how pro-america it would be if i were to live there!
Were that the case, the borders of the state could not contain the Americanness.
insert cheesy Toby Keith song here.
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