It's her world. We just live in it.
Inside: Photos of eyeballs, bees, eyeballs, blue hands, and eyeballs. Also inside: Thoughts I want you to read and to live by and, when especially inspired, to set to opera. Also inside: my fight against vegetable tyranny. Just a little something I do so you don’t have to. You're welcome. Come on in and get your jibber jabber on!
Neat photos. On seeing the second photo, I would have gone with "Atlas's MiniMe."
On the last post (the Carl Sagan version of inside the paper towel roll), I love that photo! And when I first saw it, I was about to post a joke about how can such a beautiful photo be made from turning a paper towel tube inside out??.... But I didnt make the joke because I thought, "No, its such a pretty photo, just let it stand without your sacrilege..." Then I read your later comment that that's exactly what it was and made a resolution: nevermore pull your punches; go with your instincts, kid.
So it appears that there is some cropping going on in photoshop or some other program. Would that be correct, or are these straight out of the camera? Some aren't the right proportion to be straight out of the camera are they?
- Brad
MB will be the first to tell you (and probably the last, and all the ones in between) that he photoshops all his work before we ever get to lay eyes on. He calls it "punching up," but you're dead on.
PS - my captcha word is "artso." I won't direct that at any artists in our midst... who like to punch up.
It turns out I would be the second, not the first, person to admit that, yes, I do crop my photos.
Your friend(?),
Who were first? Your mama?
I guess if there was a vote, I'd vote for no cropping. Once you're in the computer and you start cropping, and punching up, what's to stop you from really going to town and changing everything? Where does it end? Now if you're doing a series of odd shaped photos? Crop away. A bunch of really thin ones or something. That would be nice. But I'm not sure I'm on board with what's going on here. I guess I can live with it.
- Brad
I'm torn. On the one hand, it's you, Brad. On the other hand, I'm getting my photo defense mojo flowing. I suppose I'll just answer your questions directly.
"What's to stop you from really going to town and changing everything?" Absolutely nothing. And why wouldn't I want to do that?
"Where does it end?" It ends when the photo feels complete. To me. Ready for presentation. When I've achieved with it what I want.
I feel no compulsion whatsoever to capture an accurate visual record of anything. Nor am I interested in adhering to conventions (i.e. traditional proportionalities of photos) that are utterly arbitrary. For me, the process begins with a combination of seeking out visual raw data as well as responding to visuals that capture my imagination. Then I think of that roughly as raw data to do what I want with, to create an image that may bear less fidelity to the "image in the world" but more fidelity to the mood or artistic effect I intended to respond.
However, I very much like the idea of "a bunch of really thin ones." Let's go with that sometime.
Can we get more specific options for indicating whose window we snuck out of and under what circumstances this occurred?
My word is oxecifiz, which sounds like a prescription drug.
Then I'll think of these as visual poems.
- Brad
Brad--Well, now you're just flattering me. Which, as everyone knows, is ok with me.
S-S: I will NOT give more specific options. I'd rather just imagine the most sordid possible reasons.
S-S: I'll give it a go.
A. Yes, your own window, like when The Beaver had to sneak over to Larry's house after bedtime one night to get his ball glove back, after Eddie Hascall lied to the Principal that The Beaver had stolen Larry's glove.
B. Yes, someone else's window, like when ObiWan has to go diving out of the hotel's huge glass window, hanging on to that little round spy robot thing, which he grabs and hangs on to as it flies two miles above the city, in Episode 1.
C. Nope, I'm strictly a door person, sign me "MB."
PS -- I am not one to wager. But if I were, I suspect from all I know about him and about this particular poll, that I could succesfully bet that MB will be outraged at the public suggestion that he is a door person and has never gone out a window.
MB-well, the sordid imaginings are probably more entertaining than reality, so carry on.
However, what is really the conceptual difference between a door and a window?
Windows are often, but not necessarily, smaller. They both open to the outside world. Doors are more likely to be opaque, but this isn't necessarily true.
As the resident Star Wars expert of these blog comments, I must point out that Andy was wrong about Obi-Wan jumping out the window in Episode 1. It was Episode 2!!
As Mike (and Boba Fett) can attest, don't mess with me and my awesome knowledge of Star Wars. And if I don't know that answer, my three Star Wars clones do!
ps. I also vote for the thin pictures.
pps. Crop away Mike. Your pics rock!
Technoprairie --
May the fleas of a thousand Banthas infest your jockstrap.
(with a nod of the head to Carnac The Magnificent...)
Let me just say this. You may curse Technoprairie with the curse of a thousand additional curses, but you'll still be wrong. And she'll still be right.
I don't know which skill of mine is best, relative to myself and relative to others. I truly don't. And it's kind of distressing to spend more than seven seconds thinking about it.
But I do know this. I am absolutely confident that Technoprairie's skill of memory is about a thousand times stronger than ANY skill I have. (Frankly, I fear her skills are simply better than mine across the board. Even, sadly, at basketball, but that's a story for another blog post.)
I'd like to pit her memory against Justcurious' memory. I call JC the human computer recorder because her memory for dialogue (including things I said seven years ago) is downright scary. And, again, just discouraging. Because so much of what i said is.....well, just stupid.
I do not know who would win this battle of memories betweeen Technoprairie or Justcurious. But I do know this: Neither of them would ever forget it.
MB..... We'll deal with you later.
TP - ok you're right, Episode 2. My bigger concern, interestingly (at least to you and me!!!), was that as I recall the scene he doesn't really "exit through" the window, but rather "dives crashing through the window, glass and all." Which in fairness I don't think is what the merry pollster was envisioning? But I went with it anyway.
My back up was going to be a James Bond reference, but I just went with it.
A good photog gots ta crop.
So say we all.
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