Saturday, October 10, 2009

left behind

You can practically feel N's yearning to join her big (swimmer) sisters out there in the middle of the creek.

We've all been there before. On the bank of the creek as life--and all the fun--flows by.


Steven Taylor said...

The real question is: did you make your youngest daughter wade out in her clothes just do you could get the shot?

Nice shot, though.

Susan Hasbrouck said...

Awww. As the youngest, I can empathize. I think that's me, in fact.

Mike Bailey said...

Now Steven, would I do something like that? was was hot...clothes dry was no big deal.

Don't report me, please.

Andy D. said...

I think the larger truth is, he was somehow coercing those unrelated young kids to jump off that 50' high tree - repeatedly. If he would do it to his own kid, those poor swimmin' hole boys didn't stand a chance...

Andy D. said...

I like these discussions. It's like "The Story Behind the Music" on VH-1 -- only much, much more tragedier.

More full of unnecessary tradegism.


I think you know what I'm trying to say...

Andy D. said...

PS -- hey MB, what's the the three votes for "sleep" on the new poll?

Did you vote three times?...

Mike Bailey said...

No, that would have been the "six extra hours" time machine. I virtually never vote on my own polls (for why would I?), but this time I actually did vote. And here's the kicker: I voted for "other." I wasn't satisfied with the options I provided everyone. Talk about lame-o.

Mike Bailey said...

Tragederrific is what I say.

Technoprairie said...

Awesome picture. I can just feel the anguish and longing in N.