Friday, May 29, 2009

taxi reflected in a revolving door

This is a photo of a taxi reflected in a revolving door, just as the title above ("taxi reflected in a revolving door") says. It says, "taxi reflected in a revolving door."

Taxi reflected in a revolving door.

reflected in a revolving door.

in a revolving door.

revolving door.



Andy D. said...

On behalf of all of us, let me say --

"The revolving door line was good the first time around."


Andy D. said...

Having said that -- the photo is another winner in my book. But you'll need to convince me that's a taxi, and not a yellow smart car.

Mike Bailey said...

So my question to you is this: Why don't we ever call and talk anymore? Is it because we converse through this stupid blog?

Andy D. said...

That's exactly right! I think the funnier part is -- short of chiseling on a clay tablet, I cannot think of a more cumbersome and less private way of talking, than on your blogsite! Which makes it all the more mysterious why we continue...

The truth is, I've given up phones.

Andy D. said...

So how are your folks? And your family? Hold on hold on, my telegraph is going off....

Technoprairie said...

You should call it "Mini Taxi Reflected in a Revolving Door"

timekeeper said...

Why do I feel like my Grandma in Chicago listening in on the party line?