Thursday, November 20, 2008
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Inside: Photos of eyeballs, bees, eyeballs, blue hands, and eyeballs. Also inside: Thoughts I want you to read and to live by and, when especially inspired, to set to opera. Also inside: my fight against vegetable tyranny. Just a little something I do so you don’t have to. You're welcome. Come on in and get your jibber jabber on!
"All we are is dust in the wind..."
so think of two persons who know us both pretty well, and imagine that only one of them has just read my post and your comment. now imagine that the one who has read our comments casually remarks to the other person that he or she just read one of our blogs (but doesn't mention which one) and notes without attribution that one of us quoted Psalms and the other one responded with a lyric of the rock band Kansas.
what is the percent chance that the person who did not read the post correctly assumed which of us wrote the respective quotes?
answer and discuss, please.
It's always good to keep people off guard. Makes 'em stay alert!
Besides, it is an uber cool song.
i agree. a little unpredictability can be a good thing.
and it is an uber-cool song. i've heard it only, what, 54,000 times, but every once in a while it still packs some punch with me.
The best time to hear it is traveling in the dark across some part of Indiana or Illinois and it is late and you still have a long way to go 'til you get home.
nice image and mood.
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