This morning I woke up refreshed after having had a terrific sleep (10:15-5:15) feeling happy happy happy, and I turned on the computer thinking I would check my email. But there on my desk was an odd snail mail letter that apparently arrived the day before. There was an address in the return address spot but no name. Not really a mystery; I know the family who lives there and I had visited this family within the last month. Still, the letter was amorphously soft, which certainly piqued my curiosity. The letter was sealed so securely with tape I couldn't open the dang thing, and I began to wonder whether I had just received a state secret of a squishy nature.
Finally, using my swoon-inducing manly strength, I ripped it open and found only two things:
1) A sock, and
2) this note, which I present to you in its entirety:
"Nice sock! You're lucky we don't have any single amputees here!"
I tell you, I made good use of the "O" and the "L" of LOL.
And if you're justcurious who sent me this note, I will NEVER EVER SAY!!
Here's how much of a bozo I am. I already had this photo on file. Apparently I have photos for every occasion.
Like I said, sometimes life is just sorta funny. And much happier after a good sleep, too!
Ha-ha-ha! And tell middle daughter that she's lucky as well. If our resident penny-pincher had taken care of the mailings, her candy probably would have been wrapped in your sock.
Is that your foot? You should model.
that IS my foot. a beauty, ain't it?
the arch is...perfect. a sight to behold--curved but not gaudy.
i will say this. if i were to start taking photos of feet, well, then the blog will have taken a turn from "creepy scary" to "creepy, ewww, gross."
i promise that future foot photos will be few and far in between.
it's funny. i think i typically refer to middle child as 2nd child. poor thing will probably get a complex. "middle" is so much nicer.
candy in a sock...not always a bad idea, but probably a misplaced one most of the time.
It's also a hoot that the school has been reduced to outfitting the faculty's offices with foam furniture. Now there is some budget cutting. What do the untenured folks have? cardboard?
I don't know. Now that I think about it, "middle child" comes with all kinds of diagnoses and dire predictions. Perhaps you're doing her a favor with 2nd.
We do have candy in a stocking at a certain time of the year. But take away a few letters, and candy in a sock just seems so far away from that image, doesn't it? More on the coal side of things.
candy in a sock. candy in a stocking. somehow that white fluffy fringe on top of the stocking makes all the difference.
interesting, isn't it. how the most subtle changes can make tremendous changes in perception.
this is true of virtually anything dealing with the body. eating can go from an exquisite experience to something terribly unpleasant with the smallest change like, say, someone chomping with their mouth open.
consider the subtle differences in how one gazes that makes the difference between dreamy and threatening.
and the list could go on and on.
obviously the slightest change of tone in a letter can make the difference between cute and gross or between self-deprecating and sarcastic and pissy.
no. no, this is not an original thought. they come few and far between. what are you gonna do?
so i'll probably post this non-original post up front some other day, dress it up, and pretend it's original.
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