Friday, March 05, 2010

nighttime visitor


Susan Hasbrouck said...

looks like a scene from some oscar-winning movie.

Mike Bailey said...

that's wild. I actually had a movie and a scene in mind guiding me in this shot. I doubt anyone will guess it, though.

Unknown said...

For some reason, I see two possible movies. I am probably so far off, that I won't go into details of my own interpretation.
My guesses:
Fight Club
Unbreakable (awesome movie by the way, if you have never seen it).

Mike Bailey said...

good movies, but that's not what i had in mind. i'll reveal later.

Andy D. said...

I'm not suggesting this was your inspiration, but has anyone else read "Gerald's Game" by Stephen King? If so, you'll see why this night visitor creeps me out so bad...


Susan Hasbrouck said...

Let's see, I have no idea based on the photo itself, but just knowing you and your penchant for dark movies, ummm, On the Waterfront? The Godfather, part zillion? Rear Window? Philadelphia? The Visitor?

Technoprairie said...

How about a Sandra Bullock movie? I just know how much you love her work. Maybe "When you were Sleeping"?

timekeeper said...

Hey, jc, are you sure those movies are dark? Or are they names of movies you can remember right now?

Susan Hasbrouck said...

Ouch, tk! Here was the thinking from my sweetness and light corner of the universe... dark equals angst, and to be safe, should include Marlon Brando. So there were a couple. Then I branched out to what takes place in a city with windows that need washing. There were a couple more. Then I thought back to the times when MB (Mike, not Marlon Brando) has asked me, "Did you see such and such dark movie?" And my usual reaction is to jerk back as though burned and say, "No, it was too violent/freaky/disturbing." And he will say, "Oh, good on you for having normal sensibilities." And when I think back to those times, I come up with movies that took place far, far from cities and city-looking-out windows. Usually jungles, once idyllic countrysides, and the wild west.