Friday, January 18, 2008

shoes under the bench

Recently my student worker said, “you know, I think your office is pretty revealing about your personality. The outside of your door is covered with cynical and ironic cartoons and photos, but the inside of your door—what you see—is filled with your children’s drawings and artwork. I think you present a jaded exterior to the outside world but are really a squishy sentimental guy.”

To which I responded, “ummm…….yeah.......ummm......well, you caught me.”


fvasileiou said...

this is an amazing photo. i love it. it helps me create my stories...

marmaladeinstead said...

Very perceptive of your student worker; although I've paused and taken note of both the cynical cartoons and the artwork on their respective sides of the door, I've never been astute enough to make the connection.

I like the photo of shoes under the bench; so often your pictures remind me of little moments and bring back fleeting memories. (The photo of Frost, for example, reminded me of the time my perhaps slightly less grown-up self raced/scooched along the floor underneath those very pews with a couple of friends.)

At any rate... As a small girl, I always wore shoes just like those in your photo to run around my friendly hometown. When I wasn't barefoot, those canvas shoes took me around the block on my bike, to the park, up trees, and into the slightly elderly Marlene and Leon's quiet home for a cookie. I'd forgotten about those shoes...mine were purple...until I saw your picture.

Life here is good. The midwest is much colder than I remembered. My classes will be fascinating but I do miss Evans Hall. I also realize that I never responded to your email; I will get to that. :) I hope you are well.

Mike Bailey said...

thanks, fvasileiou. i'm glad you like the photo, fvasileiou, and i hope that plenty of people like your stories as well.

Mike Bailey said...


I must say that your stories of your small midwest hometown call to mind good ol' Lake Wobegon (sp??). and you, my friend, would fit there because you really are well above average. simply quite above average!!

thanks for the comments; i enjoyed them as i enjoy all your comments.

Keri Leigh said...

this ranks high in my favorite pictures of yours. there's something so special about those feet of ours, and that some people choose to color them in reds and greens and blues is even more.

you mentioned that you haven't been able to capture movement so well in the past. well, feet speak movement to me.

marmaladeinstead said...

I've never pictured my little town as Lake Wobegon before, but the comparison made me laugh. I think that the idea fits, at least in that a trip back to my parents' home for the weekend always does result in lessening whatever woes have accumulated over the week. And that was also a lovely compliment. Thanks.