Monday, November 19, 2007

Alcohol Wonderland

I couldn't think of what to call this picture. I asked my middle child to look at it and come up with a title. This was what she came up with. She said it looked very "wintery and nice."


jonbon said...

I call this Heaven!

Mike Bailey said...

my sweet pea in massachusetts (harvey) wrote me in an email that the picture strikes him "as creepily clinical rather than warm and comforting."

to which i say, to each their own.

to my daughter, it's wintery.

to harvey, it's sterile and hospital-like.

to you, heavenly.

they aren't contradictory, not really. maybe it's about an alcohol-saturated man lying in a hospital on a wintery day about to meet his maker.

yeah, that's the ticket.

so anways...have a good day.