Saturday, August 18, 2007

Surreality Television


Technoprairie said...

very spooky. She looks like she has silver eyes (just like the doctor chick in a original Star Trek episode).

Unknown said...

Still exploiting your children I see....good to know that somethings never change. No matter how unhealthy they may be for a young girl's developement

Mike Bailey said...

well, "stephen"--let me say this. since "other" people i used to photograph have abandoned me, i'm left with no one except my children to photograph. so now who's the monster, eh?

and "exploitation" is in the eye of the beholder. i'm sure that even if i hadn't used my children as models for a dungeon-like-pagan-television-shrine picture-shoot, they would still have the nightmares they now experience of being trapped inside a camera. that probably has nothing to do with my photography
