Tuesday, May 01, 2007


A house divided....


Technoprairie said...

Did you realize that it looks like your reflection has the iPod but the real you doesn't?

Mike Bailey said...

What's weird is that I asked my twin to take the iPod out and he didn't do it. how rude.

ummm....i've said too much.

Technoprairie said...

It reminds me of the movie The Primer. Ever see it? The iPod type earpiece is a key part.

Mike Bailey said...

i try to be orignal in my pics, but originality is beyond me. i end up always doing something that's been done before. but it's new to me so it's worth doing for me.

but i'm flattered you that my pics remind you of other stuff made by people far more talented than me.

haven't seen the primer. is the earpiece a key part, or is there actually an iPod involved?

do you have an iPod. it's pure schweetness. true, it does put me in my own coccon, but i'm gradually trying to wean (sp?) myslef off of humanity. with one song at a time.

i'm not a slave to technology, and i'm rarely wowed by the coolest of inventions--i'm more a personal relations kinda guy--but this iPod thing has improved my life. it's quite the invention.

presently i have 5400 songs on mine and i havent' downloaded any of my many classical cd's. but once i do that i'll have about 9000 songs--and my iPod will be less than half full.

did this response have anything whatsoever to do with your question?

answer: no.

should i have saved this response for a private email?

answer: yes.

do i remind myself of rumsfeld and how he asks himself questions because asking himself questions is a heck of a lot easier than answeing questions from the press even if it is terribly annoying?

answer: you bet.

Technoprairie said...

You should see the Primer. Joe got lost about 45 minutes into the movie and I held on until about the 1 hour mark. Great movie about time travel and looping back on yourself. I don't think it is a iPod, but there is some kind of earpiece.

no, I haven't subcumed to the lure of the iPod yet, but I'm sure I would love it.

Mike Bailey said...

JOE and YOU got lost?

no no no no no.

This is not the movie for me.

i couldn't follow STAR WARS!!!!

but it's nice that you think i could.

but you are deluding yourself.

you know it.

i know it.