Last summer our family went to the beach. As we were walking up to the waves, I admonished my children from taking their disposable cameras into the water. Literally within thirty seconds of offering this bit of parental wisdom, I immediately proceeded to go into the water, bend down to pick up a shell, and have a wave hit my own (six-month old) digital camera which was hanging from my neck on a strap. I then did the worst thing imaginable, which was to turn the camera on and off multiple times, shorting it out permanently. I immediately sensed my photo Mojo disappearing from my soul like water leaving a sieve. That was some six or seven months ago, and I haven’t been able to recover it. I still own a digital camera, the one with which I took most of the pictures on this blog. But I am still lacking not only the desire to take pictures but also the eye. Before the incident, I was beginning to view the world as a photographer; now, I have no eye for composition. Very sad. How does one recover Mojo? Is it the case, once lost forever lost?
In tribute to my lost camera, I post here one of the first pictures I took with it. Marbles in a mason-jar lid, resting on the bathroom floor and lit by a flashlight.