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Inside: Photos of eyeballs, bees, eyeballs, blue hands, and eyeballs. Also inside: Thoughts I want you to read and to live by and, when especially inspired, to set to opera. Also inside: my fight against vegetable tyranny. Just a little something I do so you don’t have to. You're welcome. Come on in and get your jibber jabber on!
I am enjoying the surreal quality of your last 3 works. It looks like you are entering your "blue period" :) very nice.
Thank you, Julie. I do come back with a little mini-blue period from time to time. I don't think anyone has noticed before. Or said anything, if they had. Or, more likely, they noticed, said something, and I, being the lout that I am, just forgot.
Here's what's freaky. I just got on the computer to check my account. I noticed I received three comments. I posted them, but my computer told me I hadn't posted one of them. Turns out you posted just as I posted the others.
Man, somehow that seemed a LOT more freaky when it happened than when I describe it here. As desribed it seems quite like, um, coincidence. Ooh, scary freaky. You mean, I received an email while I was ON email??!! IMPOSSIBLE!!
I pretty much a lame-o. That's all right. I'm used to it, as are those who live with me. They've all lowered the bar WAY down. It works out best for all concerned.
I too noticed "the blue period," but was instead simply going to ask if the blue button was stuck "on" or something.
AD: I've tried to think of a grand "on" button rejoinder to your cruel comment, but I'm not good at this. So tell me: What should have I said back?
"No, it's switched to 'excellence.'"
"No, but I'll show you where the 'blue' button is about to be stuck."
"No, but even if it were, everyone but you would still love it."
"Is it just a little blue button, or a giant blue button that leads to a rapid, uncontrollable dumping mechanism for an enormous cauldron of blue paint?"
Oh sorry, that last one was back to me being me... Hope these help though! :)
Yes, actually, I quite enjoyed them. Consider myself always rejoinding to you with a rejoinder of your own making.
Yes, actually, I quite enjoyed them. Consider myself always rejoinding to you with a rejoinder of your own making.
Horatio, Roiling Sea, Blue Period... which of you do I beseech to be powerful enough to bump that awful oldest-child-turned-littlest-pet-shop-girl-photo off the page? Please? She's in my nightmares and she's normally so not nightmarish. Please.
None are so powerful. But each is sensitive. And may be tempted, if not correctly addressed, of bumping said girl to the front of the line. Or perhaps placing her permanently on a sidebar.
Oh, they're fickle things, those powers.
Tell me what to say. (Andy D.? - you got anything?)
Yeeesssss. Let's see Andy D. help you now. I eagerly await his response. (With finger hovering over the "post" button which will bring "the beast" up to the front again.)
Okay, ummm, "Hey J-J, what's that over there?" (Timekeeper, can you do something incredibly mesmerizing/distracting right about now? S-S, has that fancy school of yourn taught you website hacking 101 yet? Get to it, girl!)
Well this is interesting because I'm usually poised to help fend off "the powers" (as he's now calling himself). Unfortunately the rub here is...well, I was one of the ones who liked the zombiechild. So I'm ready but not yet committed to the mission, if that makes sense?
Following the thread above, though, what would the powers have me have them say to themselves, to pull the photo? Maybe I can trick myself into doing it.
Nope, see, nothing. Unfortunately not even that is generating anything... Sorry JC! But really, let's team up in the future on a different project, anything other than simply asking the removal of the cruel photo of his own child taken under humiliating circumstances in a sterile, dehumanizing environment but which is here to stay for the whole world apparently, even South Dakota.
Oh, where are my Benny Hinn-like smackdown super powers when I most need them?
It's so simple really. Everyone has a point at which they're motivated to act in the name of self-preservation. MB, which would you prefer... a college football game or a 50 kid beginner piano recital?
J-C: honestly, I did not think you had such...Dick-Cheney-level meanness in you. Wow. Okay, well now I know.
Fine. I'll post another photo tonight.
You win for now! But I'll be back.
Well maybe I should give DC some lessons. I didn't have to waterboard you, I mean comment anywhere close to 183 times.
I didn't even take the next step which was to blast at ear splitting levels, 24/7, James Taylor covering The Beatles.
Normally, JC, I would be happy to help you out, but my fancy school taught me that website hacking is Unethical. Fortunately, it seems you don't need my help.
What?? That's not bad. What kind of fool could have any kind of problem whatsoever with listening to the dulcet innovative tones of the beloved Mr. James Taylor?? Even singing something dreadful like The Beatles. It's not possible. It's un-American. Any true American could listen to James Taylor humming the Cleveland phonebook. Backwards. Z to A.
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