I was walking the mean streets of Rome when I happened by a newspaper stand with a shattered window. Which, of course, I naturally took to be the perfect opportunity to stick my camera inside the box to take a picture of myself through the jagged glass.
Shattered glass, partial concealment--all in the name of self-disclosure. I mean, how much metaphor do you need?
You're as obvious as ever.
Pitiful, isn't it?
Obvious? Maybe for those who know you better than I do. I'm guessing shattered glass = emotional turmoil and partial concealment = part of yourself you don't share with others. If I am completely wrong, please let me know so I don't feel so left out on the obvious metaphors.
About the photo...
love this one. The eye is so intense, you almost have to look away. I have a feeling that says something about you too. Very creative idea..poking hand into broken glass for your portrait.
Ah, the days before Noshavember were happy times. I love your non-beard here!
What's wrong with my beard, girl?
Nothing at all. You gotta know when to hold 'em....
So I take it you love it?
It's awful distinguished.
That it is. If by distinguished you mean that Kenny/Grizzly Adams/Santa quality.
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