Yes, I've gone soft. I know it will shock you to hear this, but I just couldn't keep up the hard-hitting and incessant pace of Satan and eyeballs. Will you still respect me in the morning?
Steve Taylor, I just dare you to tell me these are "pretty." You're only a four hours drive away, you know.
This blog is genius. Now, Michael, can I go back to working?
This blog should be your first order of work, Harvey dear.
Harvey! How nice to see you here. You do know that you're going to have to stick around and help us deal with the monster you just created, right? Not only have you graced his blog with your presence, but you called it genius! Tongue in cheek or not, this could wind up in the title. :)
Now don't be a stranger. We the whimsically dysfunctional family of MB's blog would welcome your voice to the fray.
Awww....how nice of you Justcurious.
MB -- "the patronizing genius."
: )
or patron to geniuses, all millions of them.
I really like the bottom photo.
The translucent (and sometimes missing) petals, view from the back,and turbulent sky... works well. One of my favorites.
Sorry about the blow to your self-respect.
Julie--thanks, your comment alone redeems the photo and allows me to look myself in the mirror once again (for photos, of course).
Does it make you feel any better that the brokenness of the bottom photo is what makes it pretty?
Anonymous: Yup.
I really like the bottom one and it ain't pretty at all.
You should only take pictures of flowers from now on.
Only flowers.
You should make a blog with just flower pictures. All over it. NOTHING BUT FLOWERS.
Oh, Squish. You know I need to take photos of eyeballs, too..
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