I like the shot above because it clearly reveals my head of thick dark brown hair. Get that, family? THICK. DARK BROWN. HAIR.
Guh! The shots below were a pain to capture. The dang thing was, well, pendulating, so to speak, and getting it in focus was a challenge. Plus, I didn't want to touch the sand (yet again breaking another institutional rule) or bump into the pendulum itself. So that that meant I had to anticipate the pendulum coming, quickly thrust my camera out there just above the sand right as the pendulum was passing. True, that challenge doesn't altogether compare with some of the challenges of Darfur right now, but...
okay, there's no decent way to finish that sentence without sounding like a jerk. Actually, there's no way to commence that sentence without sounding like a jerk.

I like this photo because it looks like an eyeball. Which is always a plus. A space eyeball is even better. "I'm stepping through the door/And I'm floating in a most a pe-cu-liar way/And the stars look very different to-day-ee-aay."
Dude. I was so psyched to post a Bowie comment after picture three but then you incorporated one into your commentary. Therefore you've left me no choice but to comment with a link to an appropriate lolcat.
The second is my favorite because it makes me dizzy.
Love these! Each is an eleven! Each appeals to my "science as art" belief. Just amazing.
Also, this gives me a great idea. When we go to a Royals game this summer, let's pick our seats carefully. I want a shot right up close like that, of the ball, but with the background looking down the edge of the fence into the distance, just as the homerun is crossing within inches of the top edge of the fence. Preferably at the 405 mark. Maybe with a glove coming over the wall, but missing the ball. Oh and a little kid eating popcorn, watching.
I love the two bottom photos. I thought of 2001: A Space Odyssey or the first Mission Impossible movie where Tom Cruise comes down from the ceiling to work the computer. Very cool!
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