Friday, July 31, 2009

Gorgeous couple posing for creepy guy with camera.

So I asked this stunningly beautiful couple who were investigating "Cloud Gate" in Chi-Town whether they would pose for a photo for me--subject, of course, to examining the photo and deleting it if they didn't care for it. They happily agreed and, upon seeing my photo, requested that I email it to them. (Which I have subsequently done.) Both were quite taken with it. It's a fine picture, but had I more time (and spontaneous imagination) it could have been better. They were both so beautiful and, I'd guess, very much in love.

I coulda been a contender.

It's like, how much more red could this be? And the answer is...

None. None more red.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Dancing "the robot" with my peeps. Natch.

David R. is in the house!

It's about time.

Man on the steps

Thanks for there, dude. It was helpful. Nice.

steps and shadows

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


None of these photos are good enough as "stand alones" to warrant being posted here, but since I forgot to make an Independence Day entry they will do. My favorite is the first, which I took at Grandfather Mountain in NC a few days ago while visiting Justcurious and fam with my fam. I took the fireworks photos with my wife's (even simpler) camera, and they're nothing special. Our fam celebrated the 4th with fireworks with another family here in Rome (it's odd being "liberated" now that I can name my town).

As sparks flew past me, my children were upset at me for standing too close to the fireworks to take these photos. Sadly, I never did capture a shot that captured the sense of imminent immolation in the name of art, but this photo came closest.

Friday, July 03, 2009