Though this is not great a photo--I should have used the flash--and though it doesn't capture any of these good looking folks at their best, it so nicely captures a happy family moment that it's worth remembering and sharing.
Inside: Photos of eyeballs, bees, eyeballs, blue hands, and eyeballs. Also inside: Thoughts I want you to read and to live by and, when especially inspired, to set to opera. Also inside: my fight against vegetable tyranny. Just a little something I do so you don’t have to. You're welcome. Come on in and get your jibber jabber on!
I like these two pictures a lot.
I like that the clouds seemed so active, and it seemed like a really fresh day. Were the clouds just boiling? It seems like they had more speed and activity than the scene in Independence Day when the ships arrive...
Clearly on "the hand" shot, you needed Technoprairie there to calculate and guide you with the angles. Had to be an angle...
It was very windy that day. Our picnic was a hilarious exercise in chasing after potato chips. (That was me. Everyone else seemed content to let a few go. Not me, man.) It was summer but it was crisp and felt wonderful. Great eye for that, dude.
And as for the hand, that's the kind of thing that sometimes makes me crazy, but this time I can live fine with the imperfection. Don't know why. Maybe because there's no way I could figure those angles out.
One thing I do enjoy about angles, however, is when people comment about someone's sudden change of opinion by saying he did a complete "360" instead of a complete "180." ONly I could be described, as wishy washy as I am, as a complete 360 guy.
You: "Do you believe in original sin?"
"Yes. no. Yes, I mean. Well, no. Definitely yes. No, just me."
But would you be willing to call yourself as a 720 degree kind of guy? This allows you to use vectors that are mostly imaginary to describe yourself. And I highly recommend vectors that are mostly imaginary.
Potato chips? I remember small children blowing away.
S-S: Imaginary vectors are my bag, no doubt.
justcurious: yeah, mine was pretty much revisionist history, wasn't it? I kinda sat there still as a rock as everyone else scrambled to hold down the fort.
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