What do you get when you take
a camera
a slow-moving "birds of prey" show
aviary netting with an interesting pattern
digital photo software?
Answer: Grooviness.
Inside: Photos of eyeballs, bees, eyeballs, blue hands, and eyeballs. Also inside: Thoughts I want you to read and to live by and, when especially inspired, to set to opera. Also inside: my fight against vegetable tyranny. Just a little something I do so you don’t have to. You're welcome. Come on in and get your jibber jabber on!
Love the picture. For some reason, I'm hung up on the notion of a bird show with slow moving birds of prey. What were they, exactly? Peacocks? I thought by definition a bird of prey had to be faster than its prey. And mice are pretty dang fast.
And the bird of prey itself tends to be interesting just by its own right, show or now show. So if it was the show itself that was slow-moving (as I expect, ha ha...) rather than the birds, I mean how frustrating to sit there and have to watch someone ruin a perfectly good hawk demonstration by talking your ear off and never flying the dang birds... "Let them fly already, chief!! Yer wearin' us out!!"
All that is to say -- I would likely have focused on the aviary netting too, even sans the ADHD, the camera, or the software.
Well, all birds are birds of prey, I suppose. If berries be prey. The highlights of this show were penguins and turkeys and, the slowest of all birds of any description, the geese by Juli's workplace that take station in the middle of the road and refuse to budge even for trucks. Them some slow birds, yo.
Yes, you correctly captured the problem with the show. An extremely high talk to flying birds ratio. More accurately a very high cornball joke to flying birds ratio.
Oh, and a couple of their birds had an injured wing and couldn't fly--or fly "well" at least. I yelled out, "Throw them up and let's see 'em fly in circles!!" but that didn't go over well.
No, I didn't. But I should have.
This confirms what I had feared.
A normal banner advertising a birds of prey show might say, "The Falcons of Hell," or "Screamin' Eagles," or "How the Hawk Can It Fly So Fast???"
Instead, I'm guessing this guy's banners say, "Chase the Turkey!" or "Speed Penguins (if we had ice, water, or wind here in Macon)" or "Slow Goose Swarm."
By the way, if you HAD said the "fly in cirlces" line, that would have been fantastic! You've got to start storming the center ring at these circuses...
"Sorry Bozo, the clowns are in the next ring over... Now who besides me wants to see these birds FLY, people!!??" (said while throwing a dead mouse as high as you can...)
You guys have a real talent. Not sure a talent of what though. Besides making me crack up.
He makes me laugh. And that's worth it's weight in gold. What the "it" is I don't know.
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