Note to Steven Taylor: No, you are NOT permitted to ask how one can tell the difference between my Halloween and non-Halloween photos.
I've posted two photos because I strongly sense that one of them--I'll let you guess which one--may be removed at the, ahem, "request" of my wife. Now to her credit, there are only 3-4 photos that I've posted that she really desired that I didn't post. But this photo may make the list. Now my own sense of these photos is that the first one is cute and silly, and the second one is just campy. Weird but not truly disturbing. Right? Right?? More campy than scary, right reader? (Back me up here, please.)
I did ask my zombie child whether I had permission to post this photo. She being she, she likes it and gave me the green light.
I dedicate this photo to my colleague, Dr. Christy Snider, who will survive the zombie attack. In contrast to Dr. Snider, I will survive for nine minutes tops and perhaps not that long if whimpering is an even less effective zombie deterrent than I'm banking on.

Campy? I've been camping and that is the kind of creature that you think is approaching in the dark.
Why would I ask you to take that picture off? Just because our daughter had an extreme reaction to poison ivy that required a visit to urgent care and you chose to pass the time by taking picutres of her swollen, painful face? Just because the doctor told her to take the rest of the week off school because of the severity of her reaction and you interpret that as "this is a perfect opportunity for you to use this for your blog, sir." Just because she required a steroid shot and two prescriptions and you found it as fodder for Halloween?
Is that why?
Your conscience
shh....SHHH!!!! Do you all hear that?? I thought I heard... something. Oh, never mind. I guess it was nothing.
Strange thing. Every once in a while I hear this kinda funny "blah blah blah" kinda noise in the background. Very quiet and muffled. I don't know what it is. It makes me feel bad for a second or two, but apart from that it has no effect on me.
Someday, when I'm rich, I will be able to hire a sycophant whose only job will be to follow me around and be the voice of my conscience, except telling me what I ought to do or not do at the moment of decision would be annoying so he will just take notes and present me with statistics on my evil at the end of every week.
S-S: But you must make sure that your sycophant praises you for your results no matter how they may be trending. As I've told many people before, I don't really care whether flattery is sincere or not--just so long as it's plenty flattering.
MB -- so was it the poison ivy, or the treatment, that made her eyes that big?
Thank the lord you documented this condition with your camera. Halloween or not, who would have believed it? Quick thinking. Did you have to get really right up in her face for this, or was it a less-invasive across-the-room shot? Or I'm guessing, it was several tens of each?
How the heck did Lydia do that??? She could pass as that gollem (sp?) creature from LOR... most awesome... I saw a TON of zombies while taking the kids out to collect candy... including Kirsten and Julie Lane... I myself choose to be a first general Star Trek woman because I don't want to be mistaken for a zombie accidentily...
I'm so going to do a history of the undead at some point... i think...
Dr. Snider: I don't know whether zombies read history, but if they do I'd be very careful to be uber-fair to them. Otherwise your history may mean you're history.
Note to Steven Taylor: No, you are NOT permitted to ask how one can tell the difference between my Halloween and non-Halloween photos.
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