Apropos of nothing, I'm listening now to Thea Gilmore's version of "Bad Moon Rising." It does seem fitting somehow for this photo (and thereby belies the "apropos of nothing" comment). I've always liked that song (a lot), but now I have even greater reason to. Before I liked it just because it was foreboding and mysterious. But her version is foreboding and mysterious and completely believable. The original is frantic and therefore urgent. This version is contemplative and therefore even more urgent.
When she says, "hope you've got your things together/hope you are quite prepared to die" it made me think, dude, am I prepared to die?
And the answer? Well, that's for me to know and you to not know.
I ain't ready for you to be ready.
Nice. I like that. thanks, bro. Hey, if it's up to me, I'll be going for a while.
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