To create the image above I took the image below and cut it and duplicated the upper half of image as a miror image below.

To create the image above I primarily stretched out and pinched the image below.

To create this image from the original, I cropped it, darkened the areas surrounding the chair, pinched and stretched it.
Truth be told, none of the explanations make much sense when I actually compare the photos one after another. For example, look at the bottom of the legs of the chair on the left side for the bottom photo, the original. The legs of the top chair are on the outside of the photo, the far left side. The leg of the base chair touching the floor is tucked inside, closer to the middle of the photo. Now look at the first doctored photo, the one above it. The position of the legs is reversed. The bottom legs are on the outside and the stacked legs are on the inside.
The computer gremlins are playing with my photos while I sleep (or don't sleep) at night.
I blame Obama.
That third picture from the top would make a great picture of an alien.
Wow. You just kicked Georgia O'Keeffe's ass. Veiled Representation FTW!!!!
Technoprairie--This was the photo that I had planned on posting, but as I kept playing with it I decided to save the changes and post them all. AND, I was going to ask for a title for it precisely becuase I thought it did in fact look like an alien but didn't have the guts to say it myself!! So this was most satisfying to read.
Anonymous. I had to google "FTW" to see what it means. Perhaps you should know that I'm 41 and not in touch with cool internet jargon. (i.e. a noob.) Apparently it's a complicated term. Sometimes a point of emphatic agreement at the end of a statement. Sometimes it's sarcastic. And, in the biker world, it holds an altogether different meaning, in which the "tw" stands for "the world." You're not a biker, are you? and then sometimes it's code for the same letters backward.
But I'm going to take it as emphatic enthusiasm. (right??) Which I appreciate. But I could never, and would never, kick Ms. G O'K's ass--she's too bloody fabulous (and brilliant)!!
You should also mention that you routinely stand on your porch, shake your cane and yell, "You kids get out of my yard!"
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