Inside: Photos of eyeballs, bees, eyeballs, blue hands, and eyeballs. Also inside: Thoughts I want you to read and to live by and, when especially inspired, to set to opera. Also inside: my fight against vegetable tyranny. Just a little something I do so you don’t have to. You're welcome. Come on in and get your jibber jabber on!
The eyeballs are everywhere! watching us!
Well, now it's just gotten ridiculous.
RE the Bean eye - no, I'm not taking the blame. No one said he actually had to do it. He's got no impulse control, I tell ya!!
RE the NYC biker dude - that guy's got much bigger problems than the giant eye menacing New York City. Namely, that he's being groped in every conceivable fashion by Elmo. "I'd actually heard the crime was down in New York, so I decided to visit. Imagine my surprise when, upon arriving, I found myself being raped by a muppet."
But I ain't one to gossip, so y'all didn't hear none a that from me.
Technoprairie--No, there's no getting away from the eyeball.
Andy D: Don't matter if you choose to take the blame for it, do it now? Do you think Cain could say, "Nope. I ain't takin' the blame for this one. Abel and the sheep all day long, that's all the man could talk about. Believe me, he was due." Nah, that don't play.
And as for your other comment, I liked the "Imagine my surprise" comment--as though it were being told over a cup of tea and a good smoke of the pipe.
Wow! I know Harvey is a chill kind of guy, but to be so calm in the face of that giant eyeball - amazing.
"Yes yes, Michael, quite so, quite ao.... [pipe drag]. And you see, that's the confounded part of it all, really.... [puff, puff]. I'd been to the City just the year before. But this time.... [puff, puff]. Well this time was different. I mean those eyes, were literally EVERYWHERE. Every 147 kilometers, anyway.... [makes huge production of the process of having to restart his pipe again]. At least it felt that way as I was showering in my hotel room, across from the Chrysler building, where the nearest one sat, watching me."
It simply won't do. Something should be done. [waves a cigarette holder emphatically.]
Okay, is it just me and my extremely warped mind, or should the eyeball in photo #3 of the statue be moved um...shall we say...lower?
Claudia--you ask an interesting question. If you're suggesting, an eyeball in that region would be an interesting feature to contemplate, you're probably right. After all, that area already operates as a secondary and--in many cases--more powerful alternative brain. And if what you're suggesting is that the eyeball should be placed there to cover up the hideousness, that too is interesting, as removing the eyeball from its present location would reveal a severed head. Now this plays into the fear of many a male, though certainly not me--namely that women find a severed head less repulsive than that which you ask to be covered.
Just something to think about.
No, I wasn't asking for anything to be covered (I likes me some nekked statues), but rather I thought that the eyeball peering out of that lower location would be an interesting perspective. Bring on the severed heads!
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