I'm back.
You miss me?
Inside: Photos of eyeballs, bees, eyeballs, blue hands, and eyeballs. Also inside: Thoughts I want you to read and to live by and, when especially inspired, to set to opera. Also inside: my fight against vegetable tyranny. Just a little something I do so you don’t have to. You're welcome. Come on in and get your jibber jabber on!
You are back. And what a way to celebrate the holidays than with the stuff of nightmares. That's my sweetie!
(angels singing)
Welcome back.
That's a picture of you, dressed as Santa, during your cold/dead/hibernation/coma days.
Isn't it, Dead Blue Santa?
And what exactly are you going to do with a trumpet?
Get killed, that's what.
Arrrrgh! Bring back the zombie girls and take away this awful Santa!!
MB is alive! Such joy and delight!
Technoprairie-No! Put the zombie girls in Santa's lap and see who survives!
Let's play two games. Guess the (i) city and (ii) year of this photo. Closest one to each wins a prize. You can win one and not the other, or both.
New Orleans; 2009.
Excellent idea. Proceed!
I'll burn a mixtape of creepy music and send it to the winners.
"A" mix tape of creepy music...
...before the others play on, they'll want to know --
Do you promise it will just be one?
There are two winners, right? So two mix-tapes. Good good stuff, I promise.
Dear Readers,
Mine is not the role to judge or castigate. Simply to give you the facts.
The facts is, simply that I'm in a connundrum about what to report to you, because I fear the promised "creepy music mix tape(s)" will be comprised of songs that fall in two seemingly mutually exclusive catagories of "creepy": (a) music that is not creepy at all, and music that is creepy even to, say, Charles Manson.
Let me give you some examples of what I think the prize tape might include. Back to back songs, mind you -- no gentle transitions.
The Doors; anything (likely several things) by Rob Zombie; three successive songs from the soundtrack to "Platoon"; Brahm's Lullaby played on a poorly intoned harpsicord; more Rob Zombie; a couple songs (choosing them will be so hard...) from the soundtrack to "Apocolypse Now"; a spoken word piece by someone we've not heard of, back-masked; "Empire State" by Jay-Z; the worst Beatles song of all time (let's have a separate contest to name that one?); more Zombie; a series of nails being dragged down a chalkboard; probably a scream or three; "Night On Bald Mountain" played by the Ozark Mountain Banjo Quartet; and ending with "People Are Strange" by The Doors, unless played in item 1 at the start of the tape.
Just my guess. But please, play on, I want to see where that photo came from!!
I'm a huge Beatles fan. But like any prolific band, they do have some undeniable clinkers. The correct answer to "worst Beatles song" is --
Blue Jay Way.
It's funny...
(Wait for it)
because, yes, it's true. it's as though you had access to my already-prepared iTunes playlist "Two blog winners!"
And boy, you on a roll. Blue jay way kinda stinks it up, don't it? except it actualy has a nice creepy vibe that makes for good playlist potential. so maybe "flying" has to replace it on the list of the Beatles worst. or how 'bout "it's only a northern song"? and..."it's all too much" is indeed too much. i feel badly now, like i'm picking on ol' georgey boy.
I believe this is a current photo from Summerville, Georgia's downtown window displays of "Victorian Christmas". It has been my experience, that creepy and oddly dressed figures peak out windows in the style of Christmas past from all of the downtown shops this time of year. The intent (I believe) is to remind us of a time more innocent, pure, and more "Christian"....but really...at night, they must turn into zombies.
When you say "to remind us of a time more...'Christian'" - I mean, what, like the Spanish Inquisition? That thing looks like it came from the "famous torture sessions" exhibit in the Henry The Eighth Museum, rather than Santa's Workshop.
No, it's New Orleans, 2009.
RE poor ol Georgey boy - his guitar may be gently weeping, but I'm crying a river after "Flying..."
And don't think you're getting off scott free, Ringo. The only saving grace for you is, you only authored two songs in the whole catalog, thereby statistically eliminating yourself from consideration...
Ok now what's funny here as I post this, is that my word for the day is a perfect tip o the hat to MB's photo theme here -- "unded."
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